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Contributing to docs

Installation Setup
  1. Fork and Clone the repo -

  2. Change directory to r-dev-env

  3. Create virtual environment using python venv

    python3 -m venv venv

  4. Now activate the virtual environment

    source ./venv/bin/activate

  5. Now install libraries and dependencies for mkdocs

    pip install mkdocs "mkdocs-material[imaging]"

  6. After setting up the virtual environment and installing necessary libraries, navigate to the root directory of the project where the mkdocs.yml file is located.

  7. To start the local development server and preview changes, run the following command:

    mkdocs serve
    This will compile the documentation and serve it locally. You can access the documentation by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:8000.

  8. Edit Documentation: Make changes to the documentation content files located in the docs directory. You can use Markdown syntax for formatting.

  9. Preview Changes: As you make changes, the local development server will automatically detect them and update the preview in real-time. Refresh your browser to see the changes.

N.B. There is a known issue with mkdocs not alwayds finding Cairo. The issue and suggested fixes are on the MkDocs Image Processing page.