Ideas and Proposals

We are currently gathering ideas and proposals for R Project Sprint 2023.

Projects should be related to code or documentation maintained by the R Core Team. Priority will be given to projects that have the support of R Core either directly (an R Core member has authored a proposal or commented in favour) or indirectly (the project follows established pathways of contributing to R bugs or translations).


Project ideas may be suggested by anyone with an interest in R development.

An idea may be

  • A concept that could be turned into a project proposal.
  • A small task that could be
    • combined with other ideas to form a project proposal, or
    • picked up by a sprint participant if they have spare time alongside a larger project.

Suggest an idea by opening a thread in the ideas category of Discussions in the r-project-sprint-2023 GitHub repository.


Project proposals must be created by a sprint participant, potentially in collaboration with external contributors.

A project proposal should outline a specific package of work where good progress could be made by 2-6 people in ½ to 3 days.

For example:

  • Addressing a set of related bugs reported on R’s Bugzilla.
  • Implementing a given solution to address “TODO” or “FIXME” comments in the R sources.
  • Making specific improvements to contributor infrastructure, such the Weblate server.

Sprint participants can add a project proposal as follows:

  1. Clone the r-project-sprint-2023 repository.
  2. Within /projects, copy the template directory and name the copy in kebab case with a suitable short name (e.g. short-project-name).
  3. In the new directory, edit the index.Rmd file. Preview locally by rendering the Quarto website or knitting the R markdown file.
  4. Commit the .Rmd. The website is updated automatically by GitHub actions.
  5. When your project page page is live, add a reaction above the comment box at the bottom - this will open a thread in the proposals category of r-project-sprint-2023 Discussions.
  6. [Optional] Add labels to the discussion thread with the categories you added to your proposal.

Note this assumes you accepted your invitation to the R-devel GitHub organization - please contact if you have any issues.