General Issues

General issues and helpful notes around CRAN submission best practices.

Structure of CRAN-Submissions

Fields the DESCRIPTION File

Description Length

The description field in the DESCRIPTION file should be a short paragraph (2+ sentences) on the package’s purpose, motivation and may include further references to the package documentation website. You can also consider the Description length to be similar to a blurb or synopsis written on the inside jacket of a book - brief but informative. A good example of this description length is included in the ‘tidyverse’ package.

Structuring of Examples

As part their documentation most functions have example code in their .Rd-files marked by the \examples{} tag. Examples serve two major purposes for packages on CRAN.

  1. Show users how to implement the function correctly and what to expect as outcome.
  2. Allow the CRAN team to perform test on the code.

For several reasons, some examples cannot be run as tests. Therefore, CRAN has several wrappers to structure them. The following list gives a short overview of the most common ones and when to use them.

  • Unwrapper:
    • Short examples to show the functionality of the code
    • CRAN recommends the use of toy examples on small data sets
    • Ideally, also cover some edge cases
  • \donttest{}:
    • Lengthy examples, with execution times longer than 5 seconds
    • Examples that download data
    • They are tested infrequently on CRAN as well and are also executed when calling example()
  • \dontrun{}:
    • Unexecutable examples due to missing information (e.g. API calls where a password is needed)
    • Examples which require additional software
    • Never executed, are automatically marked with a comment (“# Not run:”) in the Help file.
  • if(interactive()){}:
    • Functions which only run interactively and cannot be used in scripts
    • Most commonly, examples for Shiny Apps and interactive plots
  • try():
    • Examples which are supposed to fail and throw an error
    • try() shows the error message but won’t halt the execution
  • if(requireNamespace(“packagename”)){}
    • Used for examples which need particular packages to run
    • Those packages should be listed in the Suggests filed of the DESCRIPTION file
  • \dontshow{}:
    • Treated similarly to unwrapped examples but are not shown to the user
    • Great for setting and resetting options or code purely for tests

All wrappers must still be placed inside the \examples{} tag.