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R Contribution Working Group

The R Contribution Working Group is a collaboration between R Core, R community groups (including Forwards, the R Community Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, R-Ladies, MiR) and members of the wider R community. Its aim is to encourage new contributors to R core, with a focus on diversity and inclusion.

Current Work

The group maintains the r-devel/rcwg repository, with issues relating to current initiatives and related documents, such as minutes of meetings.

Get Involved

Anyone from the R community that supports the group’s objectives and would like to contribute is welcome to get involved. This can range from commenting on GitHub issues to actively working on initiatives.

To communicate with the group:

The RCWG meet (on Zoom) every 1-2 months, usually alternating between the third Friday of the month, 15:00 UTC and the third Tuesday of the month, 19:30 UTC (-1hr during Daylight Savings Time in Europe). Stay up-to-date with meeting announcements in one of the following ways: