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R Contributor Site

This is a site for people interested in contributing to R core - the code and documentation that gets distributed as base R.

Join our Slack Group to chat with current and aspiring R contributors. Everyone interested is welcome!

Read the R Development Guide, follow a Tutorial, or attend an Event to learn more about contributing to R.

Quick Start

Watch the following demo for a 10-minute introduction making a contribution:

The presentation slides are available in HTML format - press S to view with speaker notes (the video text).

The demo introduces a basic workflow for simple fixes. For more complex work on internal R functions or compiled code (e.g. involving the C code underlying much of base R), it will be necessary to build R to develop and test your patch. The R Development Guide provides more information on building R from source and the lifecycle of a patch.


This site is maintained by the R Contribution Working Group, which is working on initiatives to encourage wider contribution to R core. The working group is open to new members (more information). You can report issues about this website on the r-devel.github.io repository.