Exploring R's Bugzilla

Last updated on 2022-11-01 | Edit this page

Estimated time 25 minutes



  • Have you used or worked with Bugzilla before?


  • Work with some simple functionalities of Bugzilla to create tabular/graphical reports.
  • Explore R's bug database.


This lesson is divided into various challenges that you can try. Please refer to the Bugzilla webpage for all the challenges below.

Under construction!

Challenge 1: Locate the reports!

Once your are on the Bugzilla webpage, follow the instructions below to locate the reports:

  • Go to reports
  • Select Graphical Reports
  • Alternatively, you could select the Tabular Reports
  • Just ignore chart-specific instructions!


[1] "There will be a screenshot of the solution here. Will be added soon!"

Challenge 2: Understanding the Resolution tab!

  • On the horizontal axis, select Resolution
  • Go to the Resolution selection box, scroll to the end, press the Shift key as you click MOVED, so that all resolutions are selected
  • Click the Generate Report button to create a bar chart
  • Review the different resolutions
  • How many bugs are open (have resolution ---)?

Will be added soon! You can add a line with at least three colons and a solution tag.

Challenge 3: Exploring a new report (Component)!

  • Start a new report
  • On the horizontal axis, select Component
  • Check the box to specify vertical labels
  • Select only Resolution --- and generate a bar chart
  • Discuss the results:
    • Which are the components with most/least open bugs?
    • What do all the components mean?
    • Which topics are you the most interested in?

Will be added soon! You can add a line with at least three colons and a solution tag.

Challenge 4: Exploring another report (Version)!

  • Start a new report
  • On the horizontal axis, select “Version”
  • Check the box to specify vertical labels
  • Select only Resolution --- and generate a bar chart.
  • Discuss the results:
    • What is the oldest version of R in an open bug report?
    • What year was this from?

Will be added soon! You can add a line with at least three colons and a solution tag.

Challenge 5: Walkthrough one more report (Status)!

  • Start a new report
  • On the vertical axis select Status
  • on the horizontal axis select Number of comments and generate a Line Graph
  • Discuss the result:
    • what can you infer from this summary?

Will be added soon! You can add a line with at least three colons and a solution tag.

Challenge 6: Bonus Challenge!

Will be added soon! You can add a line with at least three colons and a solution tag.


  • Use the Bugzilla webpage to complete the exercises in this lesson