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C book club for R contributors

This is a book club meeting every two weeks for existing/aspiring R contributors that want to learn/refresh their C programming skills.

It will run from May to August 2023, so that people attending R Project Sprint 2023 have at least a basic understanding of C and how it interfaces with R. However, you do not have to be a sprint participant to join the book club!

Woman studying in a library with books and a laptop


Our main reading will be Modern C by Jens Gustedt. A PDF is available for free download, or there is a 35% discount code for a print or eBook copy (see the Modern C website). This book is organized in levels:

This book club will cover levels 0 to 2 (about 200 pages).

The reading will be supplemented with:


There are three levels of commitment:

At the online meetings, one book club member will present a summary of the chapter (~10 minutes), reviewing the main points and highlighting any quotes/examples they found particularly helpful/important. This will be followed by discussion, sharing exercise solutions, etc. Book club members are encouraged to sign up to present at one session to spread the load among the group.


The book club will meet in two cohorts:

Sign-up to attend the sessions on the R Contributors Meetup.

Schedule and further details

For the reading schedule and shared materials, see the C book club GitHub repo.